





Posted by anis at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Posted by anis at 6:30 PM 0 comments
Dunia pekerjaan memang memberikan pengaruh yang cukup terkesan dalam kehidupan. Apa tidaknya, satu pertiga daripada kehidupan seharian diluangkan di tempat kerja.
Tekanan disebabkan pekerjaan merupakan interaksi kompleks di antara persekitaran di tempat kerja, personaliti dan reaksi tubuh badan dan mental seseorang. Persekitaran pekerjaan memberikan desakan dan tekanan tertentu yang merangsang tindak balas individu secara mental dan fizikal.
Tugas yang terlalu banyak, hubungan dengan rakan sekerja yang tidak baik, ketua yang suka marah-marah dan suasana kerja yang tidak selesa adalah contoh persekitaran kerja yang memberi tekanan negatif. Tekanan ini seterusnya memberi impak terhadap kesihatan psikologi dan fisiologi seseorang individu sekiranya ia tidak ditadbir dan tidak dikawal dengan metodologi yang tepat.
Banyak implikasi negatif berlaku apabila seseorang tidak dapat mengawal tekanan kerjanya. Panas baran, murung, gelisah, kelesuan, sentiasa rasa bersalah, ketakutan, dan hilang tumpuan adalah antara kesannya.
Kadang kala, ada dalam kalangan kita yang mencari jalan singkat dan salah dalam mengatasi tekanan seperti ponteng kerja, melakukan masalah disiplin di tempat kerja, merokok, meminum arak dan sebagainya.
Berlaku juga kes-kes di mana individu yang tertekan di tempat kerja melepaskan tekanan di rumah yang mewujudkan pula masalah rumahtangga seperti pertengkaran dengan pasangan hidup, mendera anak, dan sebagainya.
Sebagai seorang Muslim, kita perlu sedar bahawa kaedah terbaik menangani tekanan kerja sebegini adalah dengan berpegang erat kepada ajaran dan syariat Islam.
Islam telah menetapkan bahawa seseorang yang menghadapi tekanan dan kesusahan perlulah bersabar, tenang, sentiasa rasional dan yakin dengan ketentuan Allah SWT.
Allah SWT telah memberikan panduan terbaik dalam menangani tekanan sebegini melalui firman-Nya dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 155-156, maksudnya: "Demi sesungguhnya! Kami akan menguji kamu dengan sedikit perasaan takut (kepada musuh) dan (dengan merasai) kelaparan, dan (dengan berlakunya) kekurangan dari harta benda dan jiwa serta hasil tanaman. Dan berilah khabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar (iaitu) orang-orang yang apabila mereka ditimpa oleh sesuatu kesusahan, mereka berkata: Sesungguhnya kami adalah kepunyaan Allah dan kepada Allah jualah kami kembali."
Sebagaimana ketentuan Allah SWT bahawa setiap apa yang ada di dunia ini berpasangan, seperti mana siang dan malam atau lelaki dan perempuan, begitu jugalah kesenangan dan kesukaran atau rahmat dan dugaan. Kita harus menerima hakikat bahawa kehidupan manusia akan selalu diuji oleh Allah SWT.
Kita perlu meletakkan keyakinan bahawa ujian seperti tekanan kerja sebegini adalah bertujuan untuk memantapkan nilai-nilai keimanan, ketaqwaan, kesyukuran dan rasa cinta kita kepada-Nya.
Apabila kita yakin, dengan izin Allah SWT, segala permasalahan yang membelenggu diri akan dirungkaikan dan akhirnya kita berjaya menghadapi tekanan dengan tenang dan berjaya.
Ini selaras dengan firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Fath ayat 4 maksudnya: "(Tuhan yang membuka jalan kemenangan itu) Dialah yang menurunkan semangat tenang tenteram ke dalam hati orang-orang yang beriman supaya mereka bertambah iman dan yakin beserta dengan iman dan keyakinan mereka yang sedia ada; pada hal Allah menguasai tentera langit dan bumi (untuk menolong mereka); dan Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.'
Banyak kaedah menghadapi tekanan kerja berlandaskan ajaran Islam yang cukup berkesan untuk diamalkan. Pertamanya, menjaga solat fardu lima waktu dan memperbanyakkan solat sunat.
Banyak kajian pakar psikologi barat sendiri yang telah memperakukan fadilat solat dalam memberi ketenangan jiwa dan pemikiran seseorang. Menurut kesimpulan beberapa kajian sarjana barat, secara saintifiknya solat merupakan suatu tempoh masa 'aman dan damai' di mana seluruh tubuh dan minda seseorang terfokus kepada sesuatu (kepada Allah SWT).
Gerakan-gerakan dan keadaan minda dalam solat berupaya menghalang pengaliran keluar hormon-hormon seperti Cortisol, Epinephrine dan Norepinephrine daripada kelenjar adrenalin yang bertindak balas terhadap sebarang tekanan.
Solat turut membantu memberi intervensi positif terhadap sistem pernafasan, aliran oksigen dalam badan, degupan jantung, dan gelombang otak.
Daripada konteks Islam, dengan mendirikan solat fardu lima waktu dan dilengkapkan dengan amalan solat-solat sunat yang pelbagai, seseorang itu akan diberikan pertolongan oleh Allah SWT dalam sebarang kesukaran seperti mana firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 153 maksudnya: "Wahai sekalian orang-orang yang beriman! Mintalah pertolongan dengan bersabar dan dengan (mengerjakan) sembahyang; kerana sesungguhnya Allah menyertai (menolong) orang-orang yang sabar.'
Keduanya dengan amalan berzikir seperti bertakbir, bertahmid, bertasbih dan sebagainya merupakan amalan yang mampu menenangkan jiwa sebagaimana jaminan Allah SWT dalam surah ar-Ra'd ayat 28 maksudnya: "(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah". Ketahuilah dengan "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia.'
Ketiganya, mengamalkan mendengar, membaca dan menghayati akan tafsir al-Quran. Diriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda bahawa, 'al-Quran adalah penawar kepada kesakitan minda' (riwayat Bukhari).
Membaca al-Quran sendiri memberikan ketenangan kepada pembaca malah kepada sesiapa yang mendengar bacaannya apatah lagi jika ayat-ayat Allah itu difahami, dihayati dan dijadikan panduan dalam kehidupan. Ini adalah kerana al-Quran (dan al-hadith) merupakan sumber teragung dalam merungkaikan segala permasalahan manusia.
Keempatnya, meletakkan keyakinan bahawa kehidupan dunia ini adalah sementara dan akhirat jua tempat yang kekal selama-lamanya.
Dengan cara ini, jiwa akan terasuh untuk menyedari bahawa apa sahaja yang berlaku di dunia ini baik ia bersifat positif ataupun negatif adalah sekadar 'warna kehidupan dunia yang tidak kekal lama' dan akan mendapat balasan yang setimpalnya di akhirat kelak.
Tekanan yang dihadapi di tempat kerja akan menjadi sesuatu yang terlalu kerdil jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang akan dihadapi di Padang Mahsyar kelak. Diri kita akan sentiasa takutkan azab api neraka dan berusaha mencari keredhaan-Nya dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga.
Kelimanya, dengan amalan berdoa, memohon keampunan dan menyerahkan segala apa yang telah diusahakan bagi mengatasi tekanan diri untuk ketentuan-Nya. Allah SWT berfirman dalam surah al-Ghaafir ayat 60 bermaksud: Dan Tuhan kamu berfirman: "Berdoalah kamu kepadaKu nescaya Aku perkenankan doa permohonan kamu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang sombong takbur daripada beribadat dan berdoa kepadaKu, akan masuk neraka Jahanam dalam keadaan hina."
Jika diri kita telah bersungguh-sungguh cuba mengatasi tekanan, mengikut saluran dan kaedah yang tepat, maka kita juga perlu bersifat tawakkal dan ikhlas menerima segala ketentuan-Nya.
Kesimpulannya, walau sebesar manapun masalah atau kesukaran yang menyumbang kepada tekanan di tempat kerja, kita perlu sedar bahawa ianya boleh dihadapi dengan jayanya jika tindak-tanduk kita menepati syariat Islam.
Firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Fajr, ayat 27-30 yang bermaksud: "Wahai orang yang mempunyai jiwa yang sentiasa tenang tetap dengan kepercayaan dan bawaan baiknya. Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan keadaan engkau berpuas hati (dengan segala nikmat yang diberikan) lagi diredai (di sisi Tuhanmu). Serta masuklah engkau dalam kumpulan hamba-hambaku yang berbahagia. Dan masuklah ke dalam Syurgaku." Jika hati dan pemikiran kita sentiasa bersandarkan kepada sifat tawaduk, yakin dan syukur kepada Allah SWT, maka diri kita akan diberikan petunjuk dan hidayah-Nya dalam menangani segala tekanan tersebut.
Posted by anis at 6:00 PM 0 comments
CPU:Central Processing Unit. The most powerful microprocessor chip in your computer is the CPU. For example the Intel Pentium chip handles the central management functions of a high-powered PC. Intel's newest Hyper-Threading (technology that allows the CPU to process two separate threads of data simultaneously) CPU supports a 1 megabyte on-board L2 cache (the on-board cache functions as a buffer to feed data to the CPU at a faster rate). The speed of the CPU is measured in GigaHertz (billions of cycles per second).
Random-Access Memory. Hardware inside your computer that stores information while you work. RAM is one of the things that makes your computer run faster. RAM is not permanent storage of data. When you turn your computer off, all data in RAM is lost. RAM is available in different types, sizes, and speeds. Currently, depending on the Motherboard, the Intel Celeron D CPU uses PC-2700 ram with 533 MHz FSB (Front Side Bus). The Intel Pentim 4 HT CPU uses PC-3200 DDR (double data rate) ram with 800 MHz Front Side Bus.
Hard Drive:
A Data Storage medium that houses all of the information in your computer. This would include your operating system (Windows), device drivers, programs, and data you have created using your programs (word documents, spread sheets, etc.). Unlike RAM the Hard Drive retains data when the computer is turned off. Hard Drives sizes are in GigaBytes or billions of characters. EIDE hard drives spin at a speed of 7200 RPM. Older EIDE hard drives spin at 5400 RPM. New technology hard drives are now on the market, and these are SATA (Serial ATA) hard drives. Currently, these SATA hard drives have speeds approximately the same as EIDE. Looking ahead, the SATA hard drives will be faster and the prices will drop. The SATA hard drives require different MotherBoard technology to support them
The main circuit board of the computer. All key internal and external components of your computer plug into the MotherBoard, such as the CPU, RAM, Hard Drive, etc. The speed at which information travels across the MotherBoard is referred to as the BUS speed. Recently a new technology has been introduced called PCI Express. This allows a faster data transfer speed across the MotherBoard, especially for video graphics.
Often called the "computer", the case houses and provides power to the major computer components, including the MotherBoard, CPU, Hard Drive, RAM, Video Card, Sound Card, etc. Those components not housed in the computer case are usually referred to as "peripherals". The case also houses the power supply. It is important to have a large enough power supply to handle your current and future needs. Also important is that the case be large enough and have enough ball bearing fans so the internal components do not overheat and cause damage to themselves. Miniature cases are to be avoided. Never put your computer in a desk compartment or other small space where it can't breathe. Heat is the enemy of all computers.
The video display unit that sits on your desktop and serves as your computer screen. Monitors are available in two basic types. The CRT (cathode ray tube - looks like a TV set), called "flat" or "perfect flat" and the LCD (liquid crystal display) called "flat panel"- pictured on the left. The LCD Flat Panel monitors are more expensive, but have a smaller footprint on your desktop. The better LCD monitors can support digital (better) or analog input from the video card. With LCD Monitors we must watch closely the "response time". This is how fast the monitor redraws the picture. If you get a LCD with a slow refresh rate, some video or games may be jerky to watch.Be careful when you buy - rebuilt or refurbished monitors may be called "new" and have a one year warranty. You want a "brand new" monitor with a three year warranty.
Video Card:
A circuit board that plugs into a MotherBoard slot, usually an AGP (accelerated graphics port) slot or PCI Express slot (newer/faster/more bandwidth) and handles multimedia applications and graphics-intensive web sites freeing up the CPU (thereby increasing your computers speed). The monitor plugs into the video card which is accessed thru a slot in the back of your computer. The better the graphics chip on the video card, and the more ram built on the video card, the faster the display on the monitor. Top of the line games need very high performance video cards. Better Video Cards have both Digital (better) and Analog outputs.
Produce sound (music, voice, etc.) based on data created and sent by the sound card. Today, computer speakers have become very high quality and many include a sub-woofer for good bass.
Sound Card:
A circuit board that plugs into your MotherBoard that adds audio capability to your computer, providing high quality stereo output to the speakers.
Compact Disk - Read Only Memory. An optical storage technology that stores and plays back data. "Read Only" means the information can be displayed and used or copied, but cannot be deleted or changed (on the disk). One CD-ROM can hold around 650 megabytes of data, or the equivalent of 450 floppies. The speed of a CD-ROM refers to how fast the disk spins in the device.
CD-Burner or DVD/CD Burner:
A CD Burner is the informal name for a CD recorder, a device that can record data to a compact disc. CD-Recordable (CD-R) and CD-Rewritable (CD-RW) are the two most common types of drives that can write CD's, either once (in the case of the CD-R) or repeatedly (in the case of the CD-RW). In the CD-R recording process, the data is actually etched into the disc (burned) with a laser. In the CD-RW process the disk must first be formatted (burned) and then data is copied to or erased from the CD-RW media. Almost all burners can do both tasks - record (CD-R) and rewrite (CD-RW). The best way to determine this is from the specs. "52x32x52a" would be a spec for a current burner. The 52x means the record speed (CD-R), the 32x means the rewrite speed (CD-RW) and the 52a (a = average) means the read speed. If you have a CD-Burner, then a separate CD-ROM is not necessary.The DVD Burners read, write, and re-write to DVD,s and read, write, and re-write to CD's. If you have a DVD Burner, then a separate CD-Burner is not necessary.
A circuit board that plugs into your MotherBoard that enables your computer to communicate with other computers and the Internet. Phone lines are "analog" and computers are "digital" so the modem has the job to MOdulate and DEModulate between analog and digital, thus the name MODEM...
Special Note:
For today's Internet User the old telephone modems are all but obsolete - try to obtain Cable or DSL Internet service.
Ethernet Card:
A circuit board that plugs into your MotherBoard and provides the capability to connect or "Network" your computer to other computers and/or the Internet. If you use a cable modem, your computer will need an Ethernet card. Ethernet cards come in different speeds. A 10 Mbps card can transmit/receive at 10 million bits (8 bits to a byte) per second. A 10/100/1000 Mbps card can transmit/receive at up to 1000 million bits per second.
The peripheral device used to input information into a computer. It provides a set of alphabetic, numeric, punctuation, symbol and control keys. When a character is pressed, it sends a coded input to the computer, which then displays the character on the Monitor. Keyboards are available in corded and wireless models. Keyboards should come with a wrist rest.
A peripheral device connected to your computer, used to reposition the cursor or move the pointer on your screen. A mouse usually has at least two buttons, you can use to highlight text, open menu items, launch programs, etc. A mouse can be corded or wireless. Some mice have a ball on the bottom that rolls as you push the mouse, and some mice have optical function. No ball, the mouse senses the movement by an optical beam it emits. There is no need for a mousepad with an optical mouse.
Floppy Drive:
A device in your computer that allows removable (a floppy disk) storage. Data can be written to or read from a floppy disk in a floppy drive. Each floppy disk can be removed, so you can store data on more than one.
Operating System:
The foundation software of a computer system. Responsible for controlling and launching the installed applications and computer peripherals. It schedules tasks, allocates storage, handles the interface to peripheral hardware and presents a "default" interface to the user when no application program is running.
Posted by anis at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Objective : The students should be able to
i. state the steps to launch PowerPoint presentation
ii. state the function of menu bar and toolbars
iii. create a blank slide presentation
iv. use WordArtv. insert picture
vi. insert custom animation
vii. save the presentation
viii. close and exit the presentation
Knowledge and Skills :
i. Launch Power Point 2003 software.
ii. Insert WordArt, picture and custom animation.
iii. Save a file.
iv. Close and exit presentation
Launch the Power Point Presentation
1. Click Start, All Programs and Microsoft Office.
2. Choose Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003.
3. A screen as below will be displayed.
4. The display is the interface of Power Point Presentation.
5. There are Menu bar and Toolbars on the top of the window
Insert WordArt
1. On the drawing toolbar, click WordArt
2. Select any WordArt style.
3. The WordArt Gallery dialog box appears.
4. When Edit WordArt Text dialog box appears, type the word Myself and click OK as shown below.
Insert picture
1.Click Insert on the Menu bar, then select picture from Clipart or Files where your pictures are saved
2.Move the picture anywhere you like on the slide. You may see an example below.
Insert Custom Animation
1.Click Slide Show on the Menu bar and select Custom Animation.
2.The Custom Animation Task Pane appears on the right of the window.
3.Click on the word Myself then click Add Effect on the task pane.
4.Select Entrance from the drop down menu and select any effects such as Checkerboard, Fly In and others.
5.You may modify the effects; start, the speed and direction by clicking the drop down buttons.
6.Click on the picture and then click Add Effect on the task pane.
7.Select Emphasis from the drop down menu and select any effects such as Grow/Shrink, Spin or more effects.
8.You may modify the effects; start, the speed and amount by clicking the drop down buttons.
9.Save your presentation as Myself in My Document.
10.Close and exit your presentation.
Posted by anis at 12:52 AM 0 comments